Samstag, 2. Februar 2019

German Literature and Culture after 1945: Glossen 44|2019 | Current issue: Exile and Emigration

"The web-based journal Glossen is published by a team of scholars on a server at Dickinson College. It is a bi-lingual, refereed on-line journal. Manuscripts may be written in German or English.

Manuscripts and other materials should normally be submitted as an attachment to an e-mail. The submission to Glossen should be sent to either Frederick A. Lubich (flubich (at), Managing Editor of Glossen or to Sarah McGaughey (mcgaughs (at), Online Editor of Glossen.

Scholarly articles are to be prepared in accordance with the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. Typically, contributions should be at most 20 pages long. We welcome the use of graphic materials, sound, and video clips.

Materials submitted to Glossen may be duplicated or reprinted elsewhere if the original author agrees and if the original source (author and Glossen) is acknowledged. Copyright for individual contributions to Glossen remains with the authors unless indicated otherwise.

Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that they have not been previously published in electronic format.

Submissions of materials to Glossen should be accompanied by the Authors Agreement, which can be downloaded from Glossen here."

Please follow the Link to Pennsylvania:

Offener Brief: An den Geschäftsführer Lars Kleba, Die Linke Sachsen, und Protestschreiben des P.E.N. Zentrums deutschsprachiger Autoren gegen die Willkürmaßnahme des Oberbürgermeisters von Reichenbach (Vogtland), Henry Ruß

Die Linke Sachsen Lars Kleba Cottaer Str. 6c 01159 Dresden Tel.: 0351 85327-0 Fax: 0351 85327-20 Sehr geehrter H...